Seller Guide

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Create your Seller Account

Fill in your relevant details to create your seller account and provide brief details about the product you want to sell.

At Samsaree, we carefully curate our collection to ensure quality and authenticity. We kindly ask that you upload photos of the items you wish to sell with us, as we only accept items after review and validation.



Ship your Products to us

After reviewing your listed products, we'll promptly contact you via email to inform you if they were approved.

We'll then provide further instructions on shipping your products to us and request your bank details so we can pay you quickly when items sell.



Product Listing

Once we receive your products, our experts team will take care of photography, pricing and website listing.

You'll receive an email when your products are online so you can review them.

Your items will be securely stored with us for up to one year, until they're sold.



Start Selling and Earning

Now sit back and relax as we handle the selling process on your behalf.

Your products will be at Samsaree's platform, ready to catch the eye of potential buyers.

When your items sell, you'll receive instant payments directly to your account, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free experience.

With Samsaree, selling your pre-loved items has never been easier – simply list, wait for the sale, and reap the rewards!


At Samsaree, quality and authenticity are paramount. We meticulously curate our collection, accepting only items that meet our standards after thorough review and validation.

Our range includes women's, men's, and kids' clothing, as well as accessories such as jewelry and bags, both new and preowned.

To maintain our high standards, we only accept items in good condition.


For the valuation and pricing of items, our team of experts in South Asian Fashion meticulously assesses various factors including the type of product, intricacy of embroidery, fabric quality, and overall condition. Moreover, we closely analyze global market data to determine competitive pricing for similar items. Based on these considerations, our unique expertise will allows us to price competitively and suggest a final price that reflects market offers and trends.

Once listed, you'll receive notification of your product's online presence along with the suggested price. If you have any concerns or disagree with the valuation, please don't hesitate to contact us at We're here to address any questions and discuss pricing further to ensure your satisfaction.


For every successful sale, Samsaree keeps 40% of the valued item price as the commission.

Payments will be processed seven days after the item is sold to ensure a smooth transaction and minimize the possibility of returns. Following this period, funds will be transferred via wire transfer to the seller's account. Sellers will receive email notifications both upon the sale of their item and upon the completion of payment.


We handle the entire sales process from start to finish, which includes valuation, photography, listing, and item delivery.

Additionally, we actively promote your item for up to one year to enhance its chances of selling.

Our team is readily available to address any inquiries, prioritizing a smooth experience for both buyers and sellers.


We will store your item with us for up to one year before shipping it back to you, in case of an unsuccessfull sale.

While we store your item at Samsaree HQ, we understand that you may need your item back for special occasions. To request the return and delisting of your item, simply email us at

Please note that you'll be responsible for arranging and covering the shipping costs, along with a 5% fee based on the listing price. This fee helps cover collection, product photography, and other associated costs. If you wish to relist your item, you can email us at any time to reactivate your listing.